November 1 - 17, 2007
Tokodai (Tokyo Institute of Technology) at Suzukakedai
map - red dot in relation to Tokyo (circled in red) and Yokohama (circled in blue)
map - red dot in relaton to Mount Fuji (green arrow)

Housing at Tokaichiba - map
map showing train between Tokaichiba and Tokodai, one transfer at Nagatsuta.

November 6, 2007
How to work with radioactivity - take off shoes - put on lab coat - take off slippers, put on radioactive slippers - scan card to get radioactive tracer - get radioactive tracer - sign out radioactive tracer - work in radioactive lab - when finished, pass the hand test 1 - 2
Result: H1 kinase during maturation linear - log display

November 7, 2007
Asterina pectinifera - small ones for microscope work

November 8, 2007
Takoyaki party: preparation -- cooking (Hassan, Hara) - (Mori) -- Yuuko, Tachibana, Okumura -- Tachibana, Isoda, Okumura -- Kawahara, Abe -- Isoda, Tachibana, Yamagen -- Hassan, Mori -- Rie, Mori, Hiraoka -- Isoda, Kawahara, Rie, Yuuko - group - another group

How to make takoyaki:
Stills: Pour batter -- Add green onions -- Add other stuff(?) -- Add octopus (in this case squid) -- let cook, turn over -- more turn over -- turn over a second time -- almost done -- start to take out -- done (add bonito flakes and okonomi sauce) - trying to learn
Movies: Add octopus -- initial cooking is done, separate different wells -- turn over -- take them out!

beef -- beef 2 -- squid
liquid nitrogen sorbet (grapefruit juice): stirring -- finished and mostly eaten

Thursday November 15, 2007
A trip to Ochanomizu - preparation 1 (Tamura and Chiba) - 2 (Hirohashi) - 3 (students) - cooking (Osaka style) 1 (yakisoba noodles) - 2 (cabbage + batter) - 3 (squid) - 4 (some kind of meat, bacon?) - 5 (turn over) - 6 (almost done) - 7 (done); cooking Kamakura style - audience; eating

Friday, November 16, 2007
Restaurant ("Fishing rod") - appetizing appetizer - sorry, that's all I could eat! - fish

Apartment - microwave rice cooker (gift from Okumura-san) - rice cooker box


More food
Eating at apartment: no kitchen so have to buy prepared foods
1 - 1a (label) - 2 - 2a - 3 - 3a - 4 - 4a - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 9a - 10 - 10a - 11 - 11a - 12 - 12a
At the lab -
What was inside a rice ball (you might not want to know!) - delivered bento, mostly for students

at the supermarket fish section
sanma (a seasonal fish) - squid - some kind of mollusk - another mollusk - another - a large ascidian - baby fish - whole fish - filleted fish - oysters - scallops - another fish - sashimi - clams

bento box, what a student can buy daily