Saccoglossus injection 2005

Injectors: Michelle Roux, Rachael Norris, Mark Terasaki

Quantitative injection method
Fertilization area

Quantitative data:
Size of the oocyte ~360 µm, volume ~23 pl

What was injected this year - the box
chemically synthesized siRNA from Ambion - dissolve in 0.3 ml water. dilute 1:10, this gives 100 pg/ul.
Record of MT injections

Quantitation for picospritzer method
1% injection of 70 kD rh dextran 10 mg/ml was injected by the mercury method
Under the fluorescence dissecting scope, this has approximately the same brightness as a 1:1000 dilution of the same stock, where a 2 ul drop was put into a 35 mm dish with 2 ml silicon oil and pipetted up and down to make small drops

We've always had trouble with fertilization. What might work - get a bowl of sperm from Chris. Fertilize in a glass dish by first putting in 1 squirt of sea water, then 0.5 squirt sperm, then ~12 oocytes. Walk over to work bench, start timer. At >1 min, start transferring oocytes to injection chamber. This 1 minute time period was working with the late season oocytes. Perhaps it should be shorter at peak season. With this method, the fertilizations seemed to be less synchronous, so we did injections straight through (i.e., without waiting during the period between 2-3 min). It is possible that the sensitive period requires very gentle entry of the needle, while afterwards, it's OK to push the needle in relatively roughly. My experience now is that I think I can tell when the injection will be unsuccessful by the way that the needle enters the oocyte - if it snaps in too suddenly, it won't work. The first time this was done, was listening to "Clair de Lune" by Leon Fleischer, maybe that put me into the mood.

Room 2
Rachael - Michelle

John G dissecting scope

Sebastian work station

MT mercury injection scope

The future? - The Hammer


New storage for the puller

Clean up - Sept 29