Course microscopes

Nikon C1+ confocal, upright, possibly with spectral imaging - picture
Nikon LiveScan SFC (possibly with TIRF) - picture

Faculty microscopes
Olympus BX51W - Thomas Oertner for multiphoton
Olympus BX51W - Thomas Misgeld with QImaging Retiga SRV (or Exi), Metamorph software
Leica DM5000 - Wes Thompson with Photometrics Coolsnap HQ, IPLab software
Zeiss Axioimager - Stephen Smith, CCD camera to be determined, Metamorph
Zeiss Axiovert 200 - Josh Zimmerberg, CCD camera to be determined, Metamorph, also Intelligent Imaging Calcium system
Zeiss Axioimager - Mark Terasaki, for second multiphoton or confocal
Zeiss Axiovert 40 - Bernd Kuhn with Redshirt Imaging NeuroCCD-SMQ (or NeuroCCD-256)

Other requested cooled CCD cameras: 1 Photometrics Coolsnap HQ, Diagnostics XPlorer XP 1700/1710, XPlorer XP2400, RTSE 6, Andor 512x512 BI EMCCD.

CCD contact info:
QImaging - David Hitrys -
Diagnostics Inc - Brian Kuyatt -
Andor - Scott Phillips -

Image Pro (Media Cybernetics): can run Photometrics, Diagnostics Qimaging - Will Casavan (
Metamorph (Molecular Devices) -- 888 985 7159 (beeper), 610 873 5610 (office)
Scanalytics (BD Biosciences): IPLab
IMaris (Bitplane)

Calcium imaging system: Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Kim Wicklund (

Contact info
Nikon LiveScan - Jennifer Peters, 631-547-8552,
Nikon C1+ confocal - Jeff Larson
Nikon general - Kate Hendricks - 415 517 5994

Three D software: IMaris (Bitplane) Colleen Witt (

Coherent guy (Stephen P. Smith) tests the vitesse multiphoton laser