Katie Commons (Harvard Medical School) - kathryn.commons@childrens.harvard.edu
Jim Galbraith (NIH) - galbraij@ninds.nih.gov
Kristina Micheva (Stanford) - kmicheva@stanford.edu
Thomas Misgeld (Technical University Munich) - Thomas.Misgeld@lrz.tu-muenchen.de
Thomas Oertner (Friederich Miescher Institute) - Thomas.Oertner@fmi.ch
Tom Reese (NIH) - treese@mbl.edu
Stephen Smith (Stanford) - sjsmith@stanford.edu
Mark Terasaki (University of Connecticut Health Center) - terasaki@neuron.uchc.edu - 860 679 2695
Wes Thompson (University of Texas, Austin) - wes@mail.utexas.edu
Josh Zimmerberg (NIH) - joshz@helix.nih.gov

Sascha Allwein - (Technical University Munich) - sascha.allwein@gmx.net
JoAnn Buchanan (Stanford) - redhair@stanford.edu
Joe DeGiorgis (NIH) - joe_degiorgis@hotmail.com
Cathy Galbraith (NIH) - cgalbrai@mail.nih.gov
Leanne Godinho (Munich) - leanne.godinho@gsf.de
Sam Hess (University of Maine) - Sam_T._Hess@umit.maine.edu
Niklaus Holbro (Friederich Miescher Institute) - niklaus.holbro@fmi.edu
Petronella Kettunen (UCLA) - kettunen@ucla.edu
Peter Lenart (Institute of Molecular Pathology) - Peter.Lenart@imp.univie.ac.at
Vladimir Lizunov (NIH) lizunovv@mail.nih.gov
Jorge Moreira (Ribeirao de Preto) - cello@fmrp.usp.br
Gordon Wang (Stanford) - drwonder@stanford.edu
Yi Zuo (University of Texas, Austin) - zuo@biology.ucsc.edu

Michael Szulcewski (Prairie Technologies) - mikes@prairie-technologies.com

Ed McCleskey (Director) -- Vollum Institute
mccleske@ohsu.edu -- 503 494 6933

Rae Nishi (Director) -- University of Vermont
rae.nishi@uvm.edu -- 802 656 4504
Janelle Liljestrand (Course assistant; Amy's sister)
Rosa Lafer (Course assistant)
email for both: neuro@mbl.edu

Martha Peterson (Course Laboratories Manager)-- MBL
mpeters@mbl.edu -- 508 289 7272; 508 292 0287

Louis Kerr (Central Microscopy Facility) -- MBL
lkerr@mbl.edu -- 508 289 7273