
Thompson - Leica DM5000 upright; QImaging Retiga RET-EXI-M-12-C; Macintosh
Misgeld - Olympus BX51WI (#3); QImaging Retiga; PC
Oertner - Olympus BX51WI (#1); PC
Smith - Zeiss Axioimager; Photometrics CoolSnap; PC
Zimmerberg - Olympus IX71; Andor EM-CCD; PC
Galbraith / Lenart - Axiovert 200 (to be used for setting up microManager); Hamamatsu EM-CCD

Zuo / shared - Prairie Technologies multiphoton (Spectraphysics Ti Sapphire);

Fluorescence dissecting scopes - we're asking for as many as possible, one each from Leica, Nikon and Zeiss, and possibly Olympus MVX;

Low light level cameras
Andor (1), Hamamatsu (1), Photometrics (2), QImaging (2), Diagnostic (3)

Nikon C1+ confocal (Loeb 103, no longer in our area)
Zeiss LSM 510 inverted (Loeb light microscopy facility)
Zeiss LSM 510 upright (Whitman 203) (Petronella?)
Zeiss Pascal (Loeb 211)
Zeiss 5Live Duo (Loeb 211? Galbraiths)
Olympus 300 (Loeb 211)