saccoglossus 08
animal pictures: 1 -- 2 -- (full size 3 MB versions of these 1 -- 2)
"You can get it if you really want" - full
size, stereo sound (53 MB) - mono version (36
MB) - iPhone
version! (19 MB)
Comments on injection scenes:
1 - this is a polyspermic egg (2 or 3 fertilization cones) and you probably
shouldn't inject near the fertilization cone like this because it may damage
the sperm nucleus / sperm aster.
2 - injected in the early period (just after the ruffled stage). Needle penetration
seems to cause disruption
3 - early period, needle removal causes disruption
4 - needle removal causes disruption
5 - probably injected too shallow
6 - probably injected too shallow
7 - needle didn't penetrate, injection doesn't go into embryo
8 - injection of an older egg (>7 min after fertilization) - needle removal causes
9 - puncture causes disruption
10 - success! But this isn't necessarily typical, the needle entry is somewhat
more difficult than usual here. Unfortunately, these scenes don't show when the
picospritzer was activated. It seems to work better if you wait a few seconds
after the injection is finished before pulling out the needle.
Lab pictures:
Tank room 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Main lab 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Room 2 -- 1 - 2 - rachael injection movie
Boxing! Doreen vs Marcin - knockout punch!
september 2, 2008 -- Bob unpacks the new injection pieces - microscope - manipulator - base