
April 29 - shower was leaking. Replaced washer on hot water (right knob) - taken apart
also fixed sprayer on kitchen sink

May 30 - time lapse of backyard, from November 08 to May 30 (taken ~11 am every day)

May 31 - Paul McNeil cooks paella on grill 1 - 2
Paul, Naoki, Anya

June 6 - FIR course - Rindy smokes the bluefish - kumquats - Rachael & Rindy - Linda

June 12 - dinner made by Yukari and Chi-san - Naru and Hira

June 13 - Naru and Hira playing around
At the lab, Obi taking a picture

June 17 - package arrives and gets assembled

June 20 - first pizza of summer, with Sid, Signhild

June 26 - dinner: Alexi, Pavel, Ksenia, Olga, Alexi - blinchki - blini - mushroom soup

June 27 - another dinner - chicken parts soup(!) - drunken chicken - eggplant / dill sauce - salad

June 28 - long time collaborators Xufeng and John collaborate on a project

June 29 - finally out of the driveway, on its way to storage, Jorge's Scherzo

July 4 - Neurobiology course + others. drums - Ryohei on piano - liquid nitrogen sorbet 1 - 2

July 11 - Naoki goes to get some salt (he lives next door) - Jorge y Tom - singing & liquid nitrogen

July 12 - Movie Club "Last Chance Harvey"

July 18 - shopping by the europeans - making gyoza (Masashi, Hiro, Naoki) - Jorge y lobster - Peter y Jorge
karaoke in japanese! by Naoki (Hiro playing wii)

July 19 - start the bbq - movie club scenes 1 - 2 - 3
Movie Club "The Coronation of Poppea"

July 23 - woman walking her dog gives her opinion: "I don't care what people say, poodles aren't neurotic!"

July 24 - takoyaki (shape is not quite right, but tastes fine!) - Evelyn's clafoutis

July 25 - A tree falls in woods hole - time lapse - real time - before - the stump - the tree
Masashi partly in the sun
Evelyn draws a completely up to date Tree of Life

July 26 - Trip to Great Sippewisett Marsh (unfortunately lost camera and pictures!)

July 28 - Rindy makes the smoked bluefish

July 29 - Peter cooks a bread!

July 30 - Masashi cooks hamburgers! - is it done? - assembly

August 1 - Peter y Jorge y BBQ - eating 1- 2 - Art Hand - Maya - best gift to the Hyatt 2009 (from Lara)

August 2 - pow wow - peter is leaving - Peter y Mabuchi

Masashi & Naoki wave goodbye to Peter & Mabuchi

August 9 - Wii action shots 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
A carolina wren somehow gets into the house - sleeps in the nest

August 10 - tremendous yard work by some professionals (possibly too professionally!)
more scenes 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

August 13 - chaos in the kitchen - bananas flambe

August 15 - Bean soup: Rindy - Gail

August 18 - new garden! - doomed tree 1 - 2

August 21 - Sprouts! - Salad - Signhild, salmon crepes

August 22 - tree half cut - completely cut - before & after

Auguest 23 - Tom makes seared tuna - grilled greens with pistachio vinaigrette

September 1 - Naoki makes nabe: vegetable part - meat / ginger - Naoki - bon appetit

September 19 - pizza from scratch - experimental version - Rachael, Joe

September 20 - another dinner

September 26 - enormous hen of the wood haul: all of them - biggest - its discoverer for scale - individual 1 - 2 - 3